Gas Now - Prices comparator

by 03 July Apps Creator

Maps & Navigation


Gas Now, gas prices and price comparator! Dont run out of gas and save money!

Running out of gas?Gas Now is a simple and efficient app for localizing the gas stations around you and also the cheapestBased on data are provided by the official government database in France, Spain, Portugal & Italy. For Belgium, Luxembourg, Andorra, Monaco there is no fuel prices database published by the government so prices are only filled by users.- Where is the closest station?- Where is the station with the cheapest prices?- Where can i fill up my tank for cheap?No need to subscribe, no useless features, start the app and save money!Fuel: B7, B7+, Gas-oil / Diesel, Diesel+, E5 - Unleaded, U95, U98, LPG, E85, E10, Ethanol, BioethanolFor contacting us,Twitter : @03julyHelloFacebook : : [email protected] the management of AdBlue® prices informed by the users

Read trusted reviews from application customers

For unknown reasons the cheapest locations aren't listed in some areas. And no easy option to limit the list to cheapest in a radius

d. hur

Simple, efficace, pratique et économique. Je m'en sert 3 fois / mois surtout pour ttouver les stations services a proximité des autoroutes car je refuse de passer à la pompe dans les stations d'autoroute. Quand on peut faire une économie parfois de 0,15c€/litre cela n'est pas négligeable et vaut bien un leger détour. Merci à vous développeurs.

Nicolas Hardouin

Nice app, easy to use and to understand, but in Belgium its data is based on community and there are not enough users contributing, so the app becomes useless.

George F

Works ok but show the price of all diesel options.

Stephen Lee

Beaucoup top de pub => désinstallation

Damo Damo

App down 2 stars, from 4 down to 2... publicity interference

Jens Jacobsen


Stan The Van

Up to date and very useful

Marius Pélégrin

Ads..Ads.. in prefer to pay a small razonable payment. Updated: 1. Updated localization = I did 2. BUT why do you need all time why do you want to trace us all time NO WAY. Conclusión 1 start.



Bogdan Barbulescu